Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, the holidays are passing by, Thanksgiving is gone with all of delicious delicacies in abundance, Christmas rolled by (even though my tree still stands tall and glorious in our livingroom) with the gifts and the wrapping paper, the marvelous meals among lovely people, the shrieks of delight from the children, and the stress headaches of mom and dad....:) The phone calls pleading to know what the kids want, wishes of spending the holidays with family we won't be able to this year, and the overflowing garbage bins outside stuffed with colorful paper, cards, discarded food, poinsettias wilted, etc.
The New Year is upon us, just days away. I am determined this year not to become depressed when we cart the tree out the door to the sidewalk, and place the dainty decorations carefully back into their spots in boxes that we'll shuffle to the garage for another whole year. I will rejoice that I have healthy, happy children and a wonderful spouse who is in love with me and our life. I will be joyful because I have friends who are loyal to me, and love my family. I will sing praise because God's favor is on us, and because I have faith in the miraculous, even if it seems silly to many.
This Year will be a year of: New Birth ~ My heart is reborn in the fresh luster of Christ's light.
New Hope ~ The hopes that I placed on a shelf to gather dust are coming alive once again as I place them in His hands to flourish verdantly.
New Love ~ My heart is so full with the love that I have, and am yet to have. Love from so many sources. Our hearts are like richly watered soil springing forth life in the blooms of flowers and fruits readily available through Jesus and His huge love for all who ask. It flows from us, His vessels to any who are in need. Love is the food of our souls and we are feasting.

Happy New Year my loves!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Harmony's 5th Birthday

I cannot believe my baby girl is already 5!! Here are some cute pictures of her party:) The pictures ended up down below with the other pictures:) If you wanted to see them, you can scroll all the way down.

Monday, December 7, 2009


My dreams are so weird sometimes. Sometimes they are a hodge-podge of different puzzle pieces from my day pasted together with silly putty, but other times, I KNOW they are some tidbit of information from God to me, if I'll just listen.
This morning at 4:55 I awoke from a dream I knew was interesting and odd, but totally a spiritual dream. It was an end of the world type dream, except it was an un-frightening one. It wasn't the type where you are running and helping, etc. It was in a house-setting,and there were a random variety of people from different seasons of my life. People were being lifted up and away, and my mom, Chris, and I stayed, with a bunch of others. At one point I looked out the window and saw that the trees were "clapping their hands" and I got really excited about that. Then the house lifted up on wings and flew into the sky towards heaven, and I said,"I finally get to see my Jesus." Right when the dream ended, I bolted awake, in a state of excitement for some reason. I attempted to share my feelings with my husband, who groggily said, "humphhh, that's great honey.."
I like dreams. Sometimes they make me feel like a opened one of those windows like in Beetlejuice, and there are strange creatures floating about on the nightscape, all creepy and otherworldly. Sometimes they are like a movie you are the star of, whether it's an adventure, a romance, a battle scene. But my favorites are when I know God has somehow picked up a sort of telephone and given me a direct message to encourage or boost me in my faith. I love that.