Monday, December 7, 2009


My dreams are so weird sometimes. Sometimes they are a hodge-podge of different puzzle pieces from my day pasted together with silly putty, but other times, I KNOW they are some tidbit of information from God to me, if I'll just listen.
This morning at 4:55 I awoke from a dream I knew was interesting and odd, but totally a spiritual dream. It was an end of the world type dream, except it was an un-frightening one. It wasn't the type where you are running and helping, etc. It was in a house-setting,and there were a random variety of people from different seasons of my life. People were being lifted up and away, and my mom, Chris, and I stayed, with a bunch of others. At one point I looked out the window and saw that the trees were "clapping their hands" and I got really excited about that. Then the house lifted up on wings and flew into the sky towards heaven, and I said,"I finally get to see my Jesus." Right when the dream ended, I bolted awake, in a state of excitement for some reason. I attempted to share my feelings with my husband, who groggily said, "humphhh, that's great honey.."
I like dreams. Sometimes they make me feel like a opened one of those windows like in Beetlejuice, and there are strange creatures floating about on the nightscape, all creepy and otherworldly. Sometimes they are like a movie you are the star of, whether it's an adventure, a romance, a battle scene. But my favorites are when I know God has somehow picked up a sort of telephone and given me a direct message to encourage or boost me in my faith. I love that.

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