Today Chris and I left the house in a blustering big hurry in order to get to a certain church on time. We left at around 9:55am, and the new church service starts at 10. We drove in the right direction, thinking we'd be only about 5 minutes late, and then we suddenly had second thoughts. We turned around and drove in the direction of another church we kinda wanted to try out, and the sign said IT started at 10 too, so we changed our minds again, and drove in the direction of the church we've been sampling for a few months now, and it felt so RIGHT. It was weird, we both felt it so clearly, that we were supposed to be there today, now. It was a relief, and the service was definitely the one we needed to be in. It was about the Holy Spirit, and Casey Parnell and Mike Summers led worship, and their hearts are both so precious towards the Lord that we were able to enter in to the presence of God, etc.
It was so good to know that even if we are heading in the opposite direction of where we're supposed to be going, God's heart is so concerned with His placement of us, that He'll turn us around and set our feet on the perfect path of His plan. Just one more reason I am in love with Jesus!
Just had to share that. I am joyful today.
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