Tuesday, November 10, 2009


"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." ~James 3:17

Sometimes I just get one word in my mind and I'll go to my study Bible and reference the word to see what verse pops out at me. Today the word was, obviously, peacemakers. I think it came into my mind because I know a lot of Christians who thrive on the opposite: stirring up strife and conflict. I don't like being that way, perhaps due to my extreme anxiety over becoming defensive and hostile rather than listening to others points of views and being loving. What is accomplished by putting people in the defense and making them angry? Nothing. I think it's great when people enjoy a healthy debate over opinions, but when it comes down to it, if your drive behind the debate is to make the other person share your opinion, than it is worthless!
I love the verse that says,"The goodness of God leads (us) to repentance." It is love, and kindness, not arguments and opinionated jargon, that will bring others into belief and understanding.
Being a peacemaker is key to the goodness of God. Jesus was the epitome of peace in a human. (albeit God inhabiting Him as well...) Everywhere He went, though He spoke the truth, He also listened and chose the least conflicting path of communication to resolve matters of utmost difficulty. It was a gift.
"Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord..."....No one will SEE the Lord unless we acquire this gift of peacemaking!
"Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God." I want to be called a "son", or daughter. By being a peacemaker, we become like Him, and He is pleased to call us His own. We glorify Him truly when we strive to make peace abound wherever we go, wherever we dwell.
I was at the grocery store the other day, with my young friend Beckah, and I had accidentally gotten into the Family Friendly 12 items only lane with about 20 items. It was a complete oversight. I was in the middle of autographing my check, groceries bagged, when I heard a grumbling voice behind me in line say,"That sure is a lot of 12 items." I smiled, thinking he was joking, and turned towards the old man who had uttered the words. "I don't know why that's funny." He said. I looked up at the sign above our heads, and sure enough, I WAS in the 12 items or less line. My immediate reaction was to ignore the man (who kept going on, angrily escalating in what he was saying) and run out the door with my stuff. But I turned to him politely and replied,"You know what, you are totally right. I didn't realize I was in the 12 items line. I am so sorry." He looked down, and averted his grumbling to the checker, who said to him, "I am in customer service, sir, I will help the customers in my line." To which he replied,"Well then why am I not being HELPED??" and she said, "She's writing her check and then I will help you.." He was so mad! I attempted to be a peacemaker, and I am sure it could've been worse had I not. But it doesn't always yield rewards when we sow peace, we just know later when we have that sense of God's pleasing eye on us, that we went the right way (and for me, that can be monumental.)
I want to be a peacemaker wherever I go, if only to know that in some small way, I am channeling Christ's pure attitude in my own fallen flesh. This is enough for today.

1 comment:

  1. You handled the crappy old man situation very well. Obviously I'm still not handling it well. ;) I'm sure he would appreciate being called old and crappy. You think the cashier lady has learned her ABC's and 123's yet? I wonder if he offered to enroll her in some classes or something...ok, I'll be nice now. ;)
