Monday, November 9, 2009

The sky is a grey backdrop today

It's one of those days where the sky is entirely grey with no visible pockets of blue or even cloud. It is like living in gravy. Still, it is pretty, and my heart awoke this morning thankful for breath and warmth and life. My daughter ran into my room as she almost always does each morning, and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Good morning mommy, I love you." Today I heard it more clearly, I think. My little girl loves me! She may not always say that to me first thing when we wake up. It was precious, and it made me want to tell my Daddy, Jesus, "Good morning, I LOVE you!" Because I know He would be just as enamored by my saying it as I was to hear my daughter say it to me.
ANd then my 3 year old little guy walked into the room and said, "I pooped." (in his pants...) and the lovefest took a new spin......


  1. hahaha! Oh man. That was a great blog today my friend. I liked it very much. The ending, while unfortunate, was hilarious. ;)

  2. Thank you my one and only "follower"/ supporter of my blog!!! You are very encouraging:)
    Love ya...

  3. Annie,
    It was only yesterday that Chris would surprise me with a run and a jump on my bed early in the morning with an excited "Mommy, I love you!!"
    Those days pass all too quickly, but the memories linger forever. Our Heavenly Father awaits our love each day, and it is an important reminder in the face of our innocent children of just how precious those memories are to Him who loves us too!!
    I love you!!!
