Sunday, January 23, 2011


Beckah came over yesterday, and we decided, since it was free day at the High Desert Museum, that we would venture there and have a fun day exploring the wonders there. BOY did we misjudge....we got there and there were cars and different vehicles parked all along the driveway up to the actual parking lot, but we persevered and found a spot close to the entrance. People were pouring into it like it yeah.

We stayed maybe an hour, and many things were not a possibility due to the CRAZY amount of humans swarming the place. I felt what it must feel lie to be an ant in an anthill. SO MANY FREAKING PEOPLE......

In the inside division of the museum, there are all of these 1800's displays, and usually it is my favorite part (besides the otter, of's name is Thomas and he's usually so playful and happy-go-lucky you cannot help but giggle at his antics..) but the inside was so congested with people, and it's pretty dark in there, that I immediately started getting a panic attack and hyperventilating from Claustrophobia, that we hunted out the nearest exit and took it. It led us straight through the butterfly exhibit, which would have been so awesome, if the volunteers hadn't just gone on their smoke break, filling the already 85 degree (yes. Hot as HELL, after being used to 35-45 degree weather this Winter) with the stench of cigarette smoke in the misty and coagulated room. We bolted towards the doors to the outside division of the museum, and AHHHH, filled our lungs with the sweet scent of pine and chill weather (although warmish compared to our current weather, according to Becks, "A heat wave!" haha.)
and the sweetest scent of squealing children, shoving parents, shuffling feet of the elderly, etc.
I HATE crowds!!!!
It could have been a really fun time...IF there were not so many humans. I know that may sound cold-hearted, but c'mon, I think as people, we all share one common-thread...We all enjoy the expanse of being one of few people within a space so that we don't have to fight for our air supply and elbow room. It's not too cold-hearted to want the foot space to be able to walk freely where you want to go without standing in a huge line. It's just the way we are.
That said, it was really cool of the High Desert Museum to have a free-day, it was just overrated, I think I would definitely prefer to pay the over-priced fee to go in, if I can walk through the place without worrying about losing my 4-year old in a crowd of thousands. Just sayin......


  1. Yeah it was pretty awful. Still a good time though...kind of...I mean, massive amounts of humanity all gathered into such a small place is almost never a good idea (and by that I mean never ever a good idea under any circumstances whatsoever), but I'm glad I got to go with you. :)

  2. hahaha. It's like our Walmart trips. Humorous, but terrifying. :)
