Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summertime and the livin is easy (right)

The sky is beautifully cornflower blue and the sun beats down like the shade of sunset on a peach: warming, endearing, consuming. The children play rambunctiously and non-stop inside and out, with no reprieve on my behalf, which can wear and tear on the patience. Chris had taken off the week of our 9 year anniversary, and unknown to me, also the next two weeks after that for some much-needed vacation time. We have been together every day, and still have one week left of endless summer days, which can be good and enriching and also the anti of the much used credo: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." ha..but we are handling it well and learning to have grace and soak in the quality time. It is ironic since the past few months had been so dry with this exact factor. Chris has been completely wrapped up in the recording of his 3rd album, and with having to work 40-hours a week on top of that, we rarely saw each other. Now it is a marathon of time together.
We began our time by cruising to the Oregon Coast to celebrate the victory of keeping our marriage together and doing it pretty well (I mean, we're still completely in love with each other and for the most part "get" each other, so that seems a triumph in it's self:) ) for nine years of hardship and bliss. There have been up's and down's, but such is life. Valleys and peaks, high's and low's, love and hate, joy and sorrow. It is the true anthem of life and anyone who tells you that life should only be happy and good all of the time has never been married, or is completely delusional. The goodness of marriage is seeing all of the wreckage that two people can unwillingly or willingly bring into a union, and making a garden out of the mess that works, and is somewhat beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. God plays such a huge part in this design...His fingerprints are all over our lives, whether seen or unseen. The fact that you can accept and tolerate a person that can be so perfectly opposite you and still be ridiculously in love with them is the stuff miracles are made of.
The Coast was magnificent and depressing and green and stony and cavernous and foggy all at once. I will never forget the fish and chips...I crave them daily now that we're back. The seafood is truly glorious there, especially the crab, and the halibut. On the wharf, fishing boats with colorful sails dot the shore like a tiny rainbow of toy boats seen from the bridge arching above it. We drove to Depoe Bay and went down a random street to these cliffs that overlooked the caverns in an enclave that were some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Green and mossy and black rock, with the grayest blue water engulfing the sides of the stone. Gorgeous! And we left the computer so we communicated freely (it was a little rough at first...but we soon slipped into the ease our friendship has always had) and had great one-on-one time.
Road trips have always been one of my favorite things to do when I'm with peaceful enjoyable company, and Chris truly is the best person to go on a road trip with because he let's me be silly and dorky and sing loudly to all the radio songs, and chat like a songbird, or just be silent for half hours at a time. We harmonize on songs, and hold hands and gush over each other like newlyweds. Fun fun!
When we arrived back in Bend, there was a steady stream of family visitors for the Fourth of July and on, which was wonderful as well.
We are full-steam into organizing this upcoming move back to California, and should be busy having garage sales and doing research on jobs etc, but have been delaying these things for the sake of "vacation". 
Anyhoo....happy summer to all of my readers (all 3 of you, wink wink) and my parting advice: Go enjoy the ones you love, in beautiful (or not) weather, let the sunshine fill you with hope of tomorrow and pleasure for today, and above all, know that God created all of this beauty for us to enjoy and share and to especially acknowledge His love and greatness. Peace and joy to you! xoxo

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