Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I love to read.

Reading is one of my all-time favorite pastimes, and always has been. I like reading light, casual books, or heavy, intense reads that grip my stomach in a vice-hold and I have to keep reminding myself to breathe. Isn't it amazing that mere words on a page have the ability to do this to us?
Right now I am simultaneously reading four different books: Radical by David Platt, a book about taking your faith back from the American Dream, which has been on my heart a lot lately (simplifying!!), A Perfect Day by Richard Paul Evans, which is a fictional book that caught my fancy, You Were Made For More by Jim Cymbala, a book about finding your specific gifts and purpose in the Lord, and I can't remember the last one off the top of my head.
I choose books that I want to immerse myself in pretty carefully because I find that it is like being transported to another world, almost like a dream except that you live in someone else's words. If it is a really good book, for instance, I can pretend I am walking through the scenery being painted for me by the author. My mind becomes transfixed in the what who and why and it is like a small adventure. If it is a bad book, one that makes me feel negatively, I find it can also consume me in a wrong way, so this is why I say I am careful about what I read, just as I am particular about the movies I watch, because I don't want a bunch of garbage floating around in my brain that I don't need. I already have a battle waging war inside my mind, in thoughts that attempt to discourage or depress me, I don't want to feed this knowingly into me with a crappy book.
That said, I have been filling my mind with a lot of passionate topics lately, that impassioned me as well, and cause me to become edified and built up towards those things which inspire me to be better, and to shun the things that tear me down. These especially include as of late, the mysteries and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I hope you all have been having an adventure in reading lately, I'd love to hear about what you are reading, and how it has affected you for the better, or worse:)

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