Sunday, February 25, 2018

Choosing Your Thoughts

The mind is full of activity, like many birds flitting about on the limbs of our conscience. Darting in and out of view continually. Busy, purposeful, swarming in V’s across the cobalt blue sky. Gathering around the sprinkled seed. May they gather around the good seed. Fly off to their awaiting branches, dropping seed amongst rich soil, to sow love, joy and peace.

God says: Be Still. Know. That He is. He is God.
He will be lifted high, as we rest in the knowledge.
He is exalted as we revel in His peace
We trust and rely fully upon His faithfulness
As He does the heavy laboring
Our souls unwind in repose upon His breast
Each fluttering unrest unburdened, free
We are liberated as his hands untangle the chains
Rusted shackles, thorny roots dug out, exposed
Bathed richly in the luminescent glow
Of his pure, golden light
He places wings of glory upon our shoulders
To set us on the heights
Where once we drug our weary bodies along
Like crabs with heavy shells
Dusty, stone-laden paths before us, stumbling
We now are able to soar above
Looking down, we see how tiny each one was
Each cave we blindly entered
Each trap we fell into
Each boulder we climbed over
Each obstacle we toiled in
Each labyrinth we cycled round and round within
Made clear like green fields in an airplane’s view
People roam like tiny insects down below
We were once like them
But now we fly, overhead
Our wings expanded like that of an eagle’s
And we now know
We could fly all along
If only we chose to
So we choose to
No more clipping of the plumes
No more cowering in the supposed safety
Of our entangling nests and webs
Pushed out from the perilous aerie
Seemingly to our death-fall
Reminded, finally, that we can fly
We have wings.


Today, choose your thoughts wisely. Fix your lovely minds on things that pour life into the recesses of your minds. Be refreshed in knowing that you are uniquely made and placed in the exact spot you can brighten and thrive in, causing a domino-effect of goodness to all of the people placed around you. Be love. Be kind. When you feel irritated or angry, take a breath and choose your reaction. When you fail, as we all fail, gather yourself back up and begin again, steeping yourself in grace. When you catch your reflection in the mirror, rather than leaning in closer to peer at the flaws, take a step back and see the beauty, the good features, and laugh at yourself. Be the first to apologize in an argument. Smile at people, spreading joy to the world. It’s the little things that make a difference. Most of all, just be you. You are so wonderful, and there is none exactly like you. Choose life.